This is a Call-for-Proposals. ABAIER is looking for Institutions/Groups willing to organize the 9ISEBE in 2027.
We encourage proposals from Associations/Institutions/Groups in Latin American countries, European countries, USA, Canada, African countries, Asia, and Mexico.
Please send your statement of interest or your proposal to:
with the Subject: Proposal for 9ISEBE in 2027
The International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering (ISEBE) is a series of conferences organized by the ABIAER (Asociación de Biotecnología, Ingeniería Ambiental y Energías Renovables; Association of Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, and Renewable Energies), an international environmental association with the objective to promoting high-quality scientific research in environmental biotechnology and alternative energy.
Other objectives include:
Here is the history of IMEBE/ISEBE editions (see also https://abiaer.com/simposios/):
Currently, the ABIAER association is seeking for an academic group or Institution interested in organizing the ninth edition of ISEBE in 2027. Interested parties are invited to submit a proposal to abiaer.ac@gmail.com, including the following minimum information:
Thank you very much, and we warmly welcome you to ABIAER and ISEBE.
On behalf of ABIAER,
Carlos Escamilla-Alvarado
President of ABIAER 2022-2024