Call to organize 9ISEBE-2027


This is a Call-for-Proposals. ABAIER is looking for Institutions/Groups willing to organize the 9ISEBE in 2027.
We encourage proposals from Associations/Institutions/Groups in Latin American countries, European countries, USA, Canada, African countries, Asia, and Mexico.
Please send your statement of interest or your proposal to:
with the Subject: Proposal for 9ISEBE in 2027
The International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering (ISEBE) is a series of conferences organized by the ABIAER (Asociación de Biotecnología, Ingeniería Ambiental y Energías Renovables; Association of Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, and Renewable Energies), an international environmental association with the objective to promoting high-quality scientific research in environmental biotechnology and alternative energy.
Other objectives include:

  • Partnering with and representing professionals and students interested in the development of biotechnology and environmental engineering.
  • Promoting communication among the scientific community (both national and international), industry, and government bodies responsible for education, science, technology, culture and industrial development in all areas of biotechnology, environmental engineering, and alternative energies.
  • The organization of events, biannual conferences, workshops, courses and conferences of different periodicity, and publications, among others.

Here is the history of IMEBE/ISEBE editions (see also

  • 1IMEBE (International Meeting on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering), Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico, in 2004
  • 2IMEBE, Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico, in 2006.
  • 3IMEBE, SEMILLA, Palma (Majorque), Spain, in 2008.
  • 4ISEBE, Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico, in 2014.
  • 5ISEBE, UNSAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2016,
  • 6ISEBE, ITSON, Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, Mexico, in 2018.
  • 7ISEBE, IMBE-IRD-AMU, Marseille, France, in 2023.
  • 8ISEBE, UFPE, Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, in 2025.

Currently, the ABIAER association is seeking for an academic group or Institution interested in organizing the ninth edition of ISEBE in 2027. Interested parties are invited to submit a proposal to, including the following minimum information:

  • Information about the academic group or institution.
  • Proposed location for the event.
  • Tentative date for the symposium.
  • Financial resources that the academic group can mobilize for the event.
  • Tentative list of members for the organizing committee.
  • Tentative list of members for the scientific committee.
  • Planned registration fees.

Thank you very much, and we warmly welcome you to ABIAER and ISEBE.
On behalf of ABIAER,
Carlos Escamilla-Alvarado
President of ABIAER 2022-2024

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