Guidelines for submission

Guidelines to prepare and submit your abstract

General information

Participants to the congress are invited to present their work by oral communication or poster.

Abstract have to be submitted by January 02, 2023 January 31st, 2023 (extended).

Please be aware that a maximun of 2 presentations (1 oral and 1 poster, or 2 posters) will be allowed for each paid registration.

A limited number of free registration grants is available to students coming to the 7ISEBE congress. To be eligible for this grant, students should present a poster or give an oral presentation at the congress (student support).

Abstract format

The abstract must be written in English which is the sole official language of the Symposium.

Length of the abstract is limited to 400 words.

Submit your abstract

Submission of abstract is only possible online through the present 7ISEBE platform.

Once you are logged on, you will directly have access to the abstract submission form.

During the submission process you have to complete different tabs:

  1. Metadata
    • Abstract Title
    • Abstract (400 words max)
    • Type (oral communication / poster / if submitted as student, select corresponding option)
    • Topic
    • Keywords
  2. Author(s)
    • Add a new author (+) : specify if you will be the speaker
    • Add a new affiliation...
  3. File(s)
    • Upload supplementary data (optional) (for students who are candidates to a free grant registration, upload here your motivation letter and student ID card)
  4. Overview
    • This tab allows you to preview your submission before submitting

A detailed tutorial with screen captures can be downloaded here to help you with all the process.

Modifying your abstract:

It is possible to modify your abstract up to the date of submission ending

  • Modification of metadata
  • Submission of a new version will overwrite the previous one

Abstract Evaluation

Abstracts received until January 31st, 2023 will be reviewed for technical merit and relevance. When assigning accepted abstracts to program slots, the Evaluation Committee will consider the authors’ suggestions as to the Topic session and presentation preference (oral or poster), but the final decision on placement will be based on best overall design of the Symposium program.

Notification of Acceptance/Placement:

By February 15, 2023, Committee’s decision on each abstract will be e-mailed to the Corresponding Author. If the Abstract is accepted, this letter will state the oral or poster session to which the abstract has been assigned and will provide information on preparing the presentation.


Contact for any question and further information !


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