POGGI-VARALDO Hector M | CINVESTAV-IPN (Mexico) (co-Chair) |
SASTRE-CONDE Ma Isabel | IRFAP (Spain) (co-Chair) |
AGUILAR Cristobal | Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (Mexico) |
ARNOT Tom | University of Bath (United Kingdom) |
AROCA Germán | PUCV (Chile) |
BERNET Nicolas | INRAE-LBE (France) |
BUDZINSKI Hélène | Université de Bordeaux (France) |
BUFFIERE Pierre | INSA-Lyon (France) |
BUITRON Germán | Instituto de Ingenieria UNAM (Mexico) |
CABROL Léa | IRD-MIO (France/Chile) |
CARMONA Alessandro | CIRCE (Spain) |
CAVINATO Cristina | Venice University (Italy) |
CERVANTES Francisco | Instituto de Ingenieria UNAM (Mexico) |
CHAMY Rolando | PUCV (Chile) |
CHRISTEN Pierre | IRD-IMBE (France) |
COURTNEY Ronan | University of Limerick (Ireland) |
DOLFING Jan | Northumbria University (United Kingdom) |
DROGUI Patrick | INRS (Canada) |
EL ARROUSSI Hicham | MASCIR (Morocco) |
ETCHEBEHERE Claudia | Clemente Estable Biol. Res. Inst. (Uruguay) |
GAIME-PERRAUD Isabelle | IRD-IMBE (France) |
GAVAZZA Sávia | UFPE (Brazil) |
HAMDI Moktar | INSAT University of Carthage (Tunisia) |
HIDRI Yassine | Olive Tree Institute (Tunisia) |
KATO Mario | UFPE (Brazil) |
KIM Dong-Hoon | Inha University (South-Korea) |
KLEEREBEZEM Robbert | Delft University (Netherlands) |
LASCOLA Bernard | IHU-MEPHI Marseille (France) |
LEBOULANGER Christophe | IRD-MARBEC (France) |
LIEBGOTT Pierre-Pol | IRD-MIO (France/Tunisia) |
LOBO-BEDMAR Ma Carmen | IMIDRA (Spain) |
MERGHOUB Nawal | MASCIR (Morocco) |
MONROY-HERMOSILLO Oscar | UAM-Iztapalapa (Mexico) |
MOREAU Xavier | Aix Marseille Univ – IMBE (France) |
MOUVET Christophe | BRGM (retired) (France) |
O’FLAHERTY Vincent | National University of Ireland (Ireland) |
OUATTARA Aboubakar S | Joseph Ki-Zerbo University (Burkina Faso) |
PALACIO Edwin | University of the Balearic Islands (Spain) |
PAUL Etienne | INSA-Toulouse (France) |
PEREZ-MARTIN Rosa Ana | INIA (Spain) |
QUEMENEUR Marianne | IRD-MIO (France) |
RAZO-FLORES Elias | IPICyT (Mexico) |
SASSI Jean-François | Aix Marseille Univ - CEA – BIAM (France) |
SAYADI Sami | CAS/Qatar University (Qatar) |
SEKIGUCHI Yuji | AIST (Japan) |
SEMPERE Richard | CNRS – MIO (France) |
STEYER Jean-Philippe | INRAE-LBE (France) |
THOYER Sophie | CEE-M (France) |
TRABLY Eric | INRAE-LBE (France) |
VAN LIER Jules | Delft University (Netherlands) |
VENKATA Mohan S | CSIR-IICT (India) |
WANG Kaijung | Tsinghua University (China) |
ZAIAT Marcelo | USP (Brazil) |