Presentation guidelines
Guidelines to prepare your communication
Instructions for oral presentation
- The oral presentations will be strictly limited to 10 min. A 5 min period between presentations will accommodate questions, discussion and introduction of the next speaker. Time limits will be strictly enforced by session chair. Duration for keynote speaker presentations is 50 min + 10-minute discussion.
- Usually, you should consider 1 minute per slide. We also strongly advise you to number your slides in the form "number of slide"/(total number of presentation slides”) which will allow the chairman to better see at which level you are of your presentation according to time.
- If possible please send us your presentation by May (Thursday) 18, 2023 in pptx and pdf format to the address at least for those of you who have presentations on Monday morning in order to allow us to prepare the sessions in advance.
- If you could not send your presentation in advance, Uploading your presentation should be done preferentially once you register for the meeting upon your arrival. A desk with a computer will be set up in the conference room for that. Please, bring your presentation on a Flash drive. You can also upload your presentation the day before your oral presentation.
- In order to avoid compatibility problems between PC & Mac and powerpoint versions, we strongly recommend you to convert your pptx presentation to pdf. You can still give the feeling of animation if you decompose your animated slide in several ones.
- The file of your presentation should be identified as following : "code-number-of-abstract_Last-name-of-speaker_Day-of-presentation_morning-or-afternoon”.
- When possible, please, be present in the conference room 15 min before the beginning of your session in order to have time to discuss with the session chair that will be in charge to introduce you.
- Since the session Chair will usually tell the title of you work, you could start your talk without repeating it in order to save time.
- The oral session will be filmed. For this purpose, the presenters will be equipped with lapel microphones. The first two speakers in a session will have to come to the video control area located in the conference room, to be equipped. Once you have finished your speech and answering questions, please return to the video control area so that the equipment can be retrieved to equip the next speaker.
Instructions for poster
- The posters should be prepared in portrait format with a maximum A0 size (i.e. height 118.9 cm x width 84.1 cm).
- They will be disclosed from Monday (8:30) to Friday (18:00). Numbered panels will be provided on the conference room to attach your poster. Some posters will also be mounted directly on the walls of the room. The posters have been grouped by topic and should be attached according to the number (1 to 76) assigned to them in the program using double-side adhesive tape which is already located on the panels. These numbers will appear on the top left hand side of the boards so you can locate them easily. If necessary extra tape will be available at the registration desk.
- A total of 3 poster sessions of 1 hour are scheduled on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Authors will be expected to be present in front of their poster in order to answer to questions at least at one of these sessions according to the following schedule: Monday, posters 1 to 26; Tuesday posters 27 to 51; Thursday, posters 52 to 76.
- In order to efficiently communicate the results of your research to the viewers, you are kindly requested to devote considerable effort in the design of your poster and you could follow some of the points below:
- Avoid putting too much material and text on the poster.
- The heading should have letters at least 35 mm (100 Pt) high listing the title of the paper, authors, institution and its location.
- Lettering for text and illustrations should be at least 10 mm (36 pt) high.
- The introduction should contain 3 to 5 sentences outlining essential information necessary to understand the study and why it was done.
- The objectives of the study, the questions to be addressed or the hypothesis to be tested should be clearly stated in as few words as possible.
- Outline your methods briefly.
- Results should be presented as graphs or tables. They should be self-explanatory and therefore please provide a clear legend including symbols. You may also want to provide an interpretation of the results below each panel.
- The discussion (if necessary) and conclusions should be succinctly stated on large type. Many viewers read this first and hence it should be easy to understand
- You may also refer to a recent Newsletter of the San Francisco Edit company with many advices on how to prepare an effective poster to which you will have access by clicking on this link.
- Providing A4 takeaway versions of your poster is also encouraged.
There will be 3 prizes of the best poster presentations awarded for each of the topics (5) represented during the poster session that will be disclosed during the closing ceremony.
Contact for any question and further information !