Conference topics
Papers are invited on all aspects of Environmental Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering disciplines, and particular themes for this conference are as follows:
1. Risk Assessment and environmental impact
- Land degradation processes (soil pollution, erosion & salinization)
- Pollution of the aquatic ecosystems (water column, sediments & eutrophication)
- Air pollution (Mobile, fixed industrial & Landfill sources)
- Global climate change, C and N cycling
- Ecotoxicology
- Manufactured product life cycle analysis
- Sewage epidemiology
- One health aspects
2. Technology development for environmental protection and restoration
- Wastewater, gaseous effluents and solid waste* management, treatment & re-use**
- Polluted soil, ground water & sediment remediation
- Hazardous waste management & treatment
- Nutrient removal and/or recyling (N & P)
- Advanced oxidation processes
- Sustainability of environmental and industrial technologies
- Green-house gases mitigation
including *sewage sludge & **agronomic valorization
3. Emerging pollutants
- Pharmaceutical products
- Endocrine disruptors
- Microplastics
- Nanoparticles
- Pesticides
- Xenobiotic compounds
4. Biorefinery & Renewable energy production
- Biogas & hydrogen production
- Microbial Fuel cells
- Biodiesel / Biofuels
- Combination of processes (e.g. solar energy and hydrogen production)
- Nexus water energy
- High value products from liquid, solid and gaseous wastes
5. Societal Challenges
- Circular economy
- Environmental education
- Political regulation
- Social acceptability
- Sustainable agriculture
6. Cross-cutting tools
- Analytical chemistry
- Microbiology and molecular biology tools for a better understanding of natural microbial processes and control of man-made biological treatment processes
- Thermodynamics applied to environmental processes
- Automatic control of processes and modelling
Contact for any question and further information !