Important dates

01/10/2022: Opening of call for abstracts and student free registration grant application

02/01/2023: Deadline for abstract submission and student grant application

31/01/2023: Extended deadline for abstract submission and student grant application

01/02/2023: Opening of Azur-colloque platform for payment of registration fees

22/02/2023: Authors notified for acceptance                                                                              

22/02/2023: Students notified for grant attribution                                                                     

15/03/2023: Deadline for early payment of registration fees

24/03/2023: Extended deadline for early payment of registration fees                                                                                                           

14/04/2023: Closure of registration fees*                                                                                

22/05/2023: Conference start                                                                                               


*no registration and payment of registration fees will be possible on site. A pre-registration on the payment platform (Azur-colloque) will be necessary before you can be authorized to proceed to the payment. This preregistration is necessary to check that your status (ABIAER member, high/low income country, student) corresponds to the selected fee. In order to make the pre-registration process faster and avoid unnecessary exchange of e-mails, after doing it, in case you have selected a student and/or ABIAER member category, please send immediately to the address "" the proof of your valid status for the year 2023. Do not wait for an e-mail from us to do it. For students, the proof can be a student ID card with visible dates of validity or any other certificate showing that you are enrolled as student for the year 2023. For ABAIER members please send to the same address the letter of membership that you received from ABIAER or a proof of payment of your membership. Be aware that if several e-mail exchanges are necessary to validate your status, the preregistration process may take up to a week, so please do not wait the last day to do this pre-registration.

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