Registration > Registration & Fees

Access to the fee payment platform, is at the bottom of the page.

Conference registration fees include attendance to all sessions, opening reception, lunches throughout the conference, closing cocktail, refreshments during breaks, conference materials (badge, conference and abstract proceedings in electronic format…) and the right to make a maximum of 2 presentations (1 oral and a poster or 2 posters).

All prices includes VAT.

A limited number of free registration grants is available to students coming to the 7ISEBE congress. To be eligible for this grant, students should present a poster or give an oral presentation at the congress (student support).

In order to attend the symposium, you will have to register and pay the registration fees below.



Deadline is 24/03/2023


Deadline is 14/04/2023

  ABIAER member Non-ABIAER member** ABIAER member Non-ABIAER member**
Student* 200€ 275€ 250€ 325€
Academic member - low income country*** 350€ 425€ 450€ 525€
Academic member - high income country*** 475€ 550€ 575€ 650€
Industrial 650€ 750€
Options not included in registration fees
Technical visits 20€
Gala dinner 70€

*Students.You will have to provide a student ID card with visible dates of validity or any other certificate showing that you are enrolled as student for the year 2023 at the time of pre-registration (in pdf, jpg or png format). Registration for students is automatically full board.

**ABIAER members will have to provide proof that they are up to date with their membership at the time of conference fee payment (in pdf, jpg or png format). This proof may correspond to the letter of membership that you received from ABIAER or a proof of payment of your membership. For those who are not members but would be interested to become members, registration to the association is possible through the following link (

***Country designation is based on the country your current institution/affiliation is located. Find country designation (


Note that no fee payment will be possible on site and so that to attend 7ISEBE you will need to have proceeded to the fee payment before the closure of the registration period (dead line of regular fees).

Note also that a pre-registration on the payment platform (Azur-colloque) will be necessary before you can be authorized to proceed to the payment. This pre-registration is necessary to check that your status (ABIAER member, high/low income country, student) corresponds to the selected fee.

Payment on the Azur-colloque platform may be done by credit card (preferred mode) and bank transfer. French labs may optionally pay through purchase order. Note that "carte achat Aix-Marseille Université" is not allowed.

Cash and check will not be accepted.

No refunding is possible.

The registration process is as follows:

  1. Create an account and pre-register on Azur-colloque (for French speakers here).
  2. You will receive an email from "" confirming the reception of your pre-registration.
  3. If you selected the student or/and ABAIER member rate, in order to authorize you to go through the payment step, in parallel to your pre-registration, send to "" the proof of your Student and ABIAER member status in jpg, png or pdf format (see notes at the bottom of the fee table).  We will also check to which category, low or high income country, is located your institution and that you did not make a mistake at this level in order to correct it if necessary.
  4. Once these data received, and your fee category checked, your pre-registration can be validated. Please note that all this process can take up to a week, so please do not wait the last day to do this pre-registration. You will then receive a second e-mail from "" with a link to proceed to the payment of your corresponding registration fee.
  5.  At this stage you will just have to fill and follow the 6 windows that will open successively until reaching the payment one. In case you selected a payment by bank transfer or purchase order, please send again to "" the proof of the bank transfer or a copy of the purchase order in order to allow us to validate your payment. The proof of the bank transfer can be a simple screen capture from your account interface with all the necessary information (name of the account holder, name of the recipient, data of the account, amount transferred and if possible reason of the transfer).
  6.  Once your payment is validated, you will receive an email from "" with an attached pdf file entitled "Facture" confirming your registration.

A detailed tutorial with screen captures can be downloaded here to help you with the process.


Contact for any question and further information !


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